Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I don't know what has come over me lately, but I can't stop reading. Maybe it's the fact the 40 minute bus ride to school is very drab. I need something to spice up the mundane, everyday ride to school. And indeed reading has lent me that oh so helping hand. 

I do listen to my music and that is lovely, but sometimes my thoughts have the tendency to run away from me. Ranging from big dreams of travel or just circle the unknown. So I find that it is best, at least for right now, to not be left alone with my thoughts. To just take a break and be engulfed in a cheesy teenage romance or life changing story. something to tide me over and take me to another world, where my thoughts will be submerged in something other than school, work, boys, and the other random tandoms I experience. 

I think it's just me, but I love to actually hold the book. The kindle and other electronic devices are great, but I love to turn  the pages and experience the paper. The smell! I love the spell of freshly bought books. When the covers have beautiful artwork on them, it adds to the beauty of the whole novel entirely.  Which means I have to admit.... I do judge the books by the covers. Of course I read the inside to really get a feel for whats going on. But sometimes the cover says it all and I know from there that I'm not going to like it. I promise I'm not shallow though. The cover is like the cherry on top, with a little creativity the cover could tell the story. Like when I was at Barnes & Noble, I saw a wonderful cover for the classic Little Women. It gave the illusion like it was a needle artwork project that one of the girls would have done, and even on the inside of the sleeve it looked like what the back of needle work would have looked like as well. I thought that was brilliant. But not everyone agrees with a "fashionable/ modernized" cover. Some times a plain and simple cover is just as beautiful as one with the little details. 

I just think all books are beautiful. I love them, and hope that my children will be able to experience what it's like to hold an actually book and be able to sit in a Barnes & Noble, or local bookstore and feel how amazing and simple life can be at that very moment. Books can take you to places you have never been before and help you understand people more than you thought you ever could. I hope people find as much comfort in reading as I do.

Until next time.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

a fresh start.

I thought about starting a blog weeks ago, but never found the time being a busy college student and all. Then out of the blue on Monday of this week my writing professor decided to assign the class to start a blog. It was either that or do a presentation, and let's be honest- no one likes doing presentations! When he assigned this,at first I was like "yes!" then reality hit... I don't know what on earth to blog about. Lots of people blog to talk about their adventures in far off places. Others blog about what they know (or think they know). Then I thought about what I know, the places I go, and what dazzling adventures I've gotten myself into.

I'm not off in some far off place and my adventures are pretty small, but there are some things I do know. The possibility that you can make your dreams come true with a little hard work and dedication. That love can over come anything and that we are all loved. I know that with a little hope anything is possible. I know that laughter is the best medicine, and that mother does know best. Whether we like it or not. I know that I have the best friends in the entire world! And my family is pretty rad too. Music makes the world go round and softens a hard heart. I know that every single girl wants to be a Disney princess! Who doesn't!

In all lightness, this is just a typical teenage blog ranging from silliness to seriousness. Plus a big learning experience. So here we go!

 Until next time.
