Today was a weird day. I was awoken (is that even a word?) from a perfect slumber, by my loving aunt, telling me I look like Aunt Jemima.... I mean as wonderful as that is to hear in the morning, I wasn't about it. She proceeded to sit on my bed and tell me about the announcement the LDS church made yesterday. I'm sure you've all heard about it by now?? --That underage children of same-sex couples are not eligible for memberships into the LDS faith until legal age--First I must make a disclaimer for everyone. I love this gospel, and I LOVE MY FAMILY. I am not posting this to anger anyone, it's just on my mind and I work through things best when I write about them.
After I absorbed the information and read the article for myself, I was shocked, angered and heart-broken because this hit close to home. I didn't fully understand what I was supposed to be taking away from this announcement. I'm hoping that more information is to come, because I know this will not only effected me, but members all over the world.
For all the people who are posting their opinions and saying harsh words about members of the church or people in same-sex relationships. Please stop. Not all people are bad. You can have an opinion all you want, but what about the people its effecting. Me. Possibly your neighbor. A brother. A friend. I am a member of this gospel and I have members of my family in same-sex relationships. They are my family, and I love them with all my might and soul. My brave mom is an wonderful person. She raised me to have an open mind about everything. She helped me convert to the church when I was 13.When I had questions, she was there to answer them. She adopted me when I was 4 days old. She's my hero, my best friend, my best example, and my comforter.
I love you, mom. Simple and plain. Love forever and ever.
I don't fully understand what the reasoning behind this new "rule", but my head has been spinning all day. People asking me if I'm okay, telling me they love me, telling me that our leaders know what's best. And I believe them, I really do. But right now I'm not going to lie, my faith is a little bit shaken. I'm hoping that there will be more clarity on this subject, because I love this gospel and I love my family.
Until next time,