Sunday, May 4, 2014

freshman year ✔️

With my first year as a college freshman coming to a close, I've been looking back over all the things that I have learned. So I decided to make list of my thoughts, and ideas to possibly help incoming freshman, or just for people to mull over.

1. It's okay to be a 'loner'.
If you have a chance to sit alone outside, listen to some music, and do some homework/study time in-- do it. You may feel like a complete loser because in high school it meant you possibly might not have friends. But college... no one cares.

 2. No one may care, But YOU need to care.
Everyone is so self involved, that they don't notice if you don't do your hair, make up, or didn't get dressed in your cutest out fit. All that matters is that you care for yourself, and your studies. My first semester I was going through a really hard time which made me really not care about anytime but this problem, and because of that I struggled with a lot of things. I didn't do well in school and my social life kinda came to a halt. I wish that someone would have told me-- take care of yourself.

3. Long distance friendships are possible
One of my very best friends lives in Arizona for school. We still talk and snap chat every day. We talk about  everything under the stars- school, boys, food, and life in general. Even though I don't really see her much, it's like nothing has changed. Also the majority of my guy friends are all serving LDS missions all across the world. I've managed to keep in contact with them every week and we're still very close. I love them and am proud to call them my best friends.

4. Sometimes the friends you thought you'd never grow apart 
from. Sadly it can happen. 
I'm sad to say that this is true, even the closest of friends grow apart. It's hard because daily I still have something to tell her, but I don't think that it matters much to her now. But it's okay life goes on and people change, you just have to keep your head up.

5. No matter how much you say your over something, it still hurts. 
I feel like every girl has said "I'm fine. I'm over it" 99% of the time you definitely are not and inside your heart is like a raging fire. If someone hurts you but you don't want to seem weak or pathetic- you brush it off. When inside you feel in gnawing at you. Accept it, and come to terms with it. It still hurts. Talk about, cry about it, and then eventually with time you will heal. But don't let it break you down. You, we as girls, are stronger than that.  

6. The Lord can and will help you through anything. We just need to rely on Him.
Because of Him we never have to got through grief or sorrow alone. We need to rely on the Lord and He will come to our aid. He built us to last.

7. You are never alone. 
The Lord and our Savior are walking by our sides. They are holding our hands and helping us every step of the way. We just need to let them help us.

8. Stay close to your family. Whether you live at home or move away. 
When I feel frustrated or just angry, I tend to shut the people who are closest to me away. I ignore them, and I put up a front. I've come to realize, way too late, they can help you with lots of things. Even if it's just listening. 
9. Taking the bus isn't so bad. 
I choose to live at home this year, and I didn't want to pay like a crap load for parking. Plus parking at the U is never that great anyway. But like whatever floats your boat! AND the U students get to take public transportation free with our I.D. cards, so that's a plus. Also, you meet some pretty interesting people, and you hear a lot of stories. You may not want to listen because it's early and your mother told you never talk to strangers, but trust me, I heard some cool stories on the bus and met some very funny people some of which even brightened my day.

 10. After taking the almost everyday from August to the end of April, the bus drivers remember who you are. 
Needless to say, that the bus drivers and I became friends. With a nod here and there, and a smile shared between us.

11. You are always in need for a good chick flick. 
 AN ABSOLUTE MUST!!! I mean, I basically survived off hick flicks by whole life. But I'm telling you, they are seriously a godsend. Maybe it's the fact the I'm a hopeless romantic who believe strongly in love and outlandish gestures. I believe that sometimes you may love someone and never even know. Also the movies helped distracted me from my ever so pro-longed single life. Which I'm not complaining about. Just stating the facts. 

12. Pinterest is the best.
I suffer from a serious case of wanderlust. I dream of far of places, and adventures. So of course Pinterest is a perfect way to "go" places without really having to go, and when I was feeling stressed or down, a good round of pinning could usually lift my spirits.  

14. Pinterest is the worst.
Even though Pinterest is a great way to de-stress and wind down. It also is very distracting! So be careful and pay attention in class. 

15. Read. Read. Read. Read. READ!
This was the one thing I wish they had told my in high school. You have to read the ENTIRE text books for class. It's not just to look over to flip through. Make sure that you actually read it. Also-- doing your homework IS NOT the same thing as studying! So plan your time wisely, and make sure that you understand the material, and if not don't be afraid to ask someone for help. 

16. You can't plan out your whole life, because it doesn't always work out. 
Yeah... I'm still learning this. I tend to look ten step ahead, instead of what is it in front of me. I think about the future instead of enjoy the present. I think that is part of the reason this year was so hard for me. Instead of taking it day by day, I was looking way into the future and worrying about that, even though what happens in the future depends on what you are doing RIGHT NOW. What I've also come to learn, is that the Lord knows our potential much more then we could even fathom. He knows out divine potential and wants to see us reach it. The only thing is we can't do it on our own. We constantly need to rely on Him to guide us there.

17. Take an institute class.
Doooooooo iiiiiit! Honestly, institute helped me so much! Sometimes I felt like I didn't have  time for it, but it usually came back to help me out. Plus my grades improve much more when I starting take institute. I promise you it helps. 

18. You don't need to know your major yet
Don't stress about your major yet. Don't put it off but, try intro classes out. Talk to people within the major, look into clubs. Do all that you can to research this. You can change it, yes, but that could set you back or maybe not. It all just depends on what you choose. But honestly, don't worry about your major quite yet. Look into things and really find out who you are in the big college atmosphere. 

19. Do one thing everyday that scares you.
 I learned that since I went to a school where almost none of my friends went, I was totally alone. I regret this but I'm telling you so no one makes the same mistake I did. You have to push yourself. Talk to people, join clubs, make new friends, go crazy, live it up, go on adventures. Enjoy it!

20. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

21. Sometimes you just really need your alone time. No matter how social anyone is, sometimes you just need to be alone, cozy up in a blanket and read a book or watch some Netflix.

22. Trust yourself, and believe in yourself
It's okay to feel a little unsure. But I learned that all the decisions you make only affect you. So you need to trust your gut. Also pray like crazy! Trust the Lord and trust yourself.  You can do this. You just have to believe. I know it's scary, but a lot of new things are a scary.

23. Most importantly love yourself!
You may not get the grades you wanted, or may gain the Freshman 15, or just do something totally embarrassing. You have to remember to go easy on yourself. Life is hard enough and you don't have to be any harder on yourself. Be compassionate. You can always try harder but give it time.

24. Breathe
Don't over think tests, breathe. It's going to be the best couple of years ahead of you. Savor it and capture every moment.

25. YOU CAN DO IT!! 

And to those of you lucky ducks who graduated this past year, congrats to the grads! Those who finished their first year of college, PROUD OF YOU! We did it! Now we have the summer to collect ourselves and gather what we've learned, hopefully remember it and return in the fall. For those who are just graduating high school. I was there to, not too long ago. Just remember to breathe and ask questions! Don't be afraid to talk to people, and understand more what it going on. But mostly enjoy it, because man, does it fly by. 

Until next time,

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