Friday, October 31, 2014

long time, no writing.

Hello blog! I've missed you. I promise I'm not dead. I'm apologize to my readers.... reader... mom? I actually don't think my mom even reads my blog... That's kinda sad, huh? But I mean I know someone out there reads it sooooooo- Hello out there!
Anyway this post is to reconnect with my social media and my love for talking about myself. Just kidding... but what girl isn't a little vain?? Really? Just me? Okay whatever you say! But really though... I actually really hate talking about myself. BUT! What this post was really about was to share with everyone why I have been so absent. As you know, or can guess, I started my Sophomore year at college! Yas. It has been quite the endeavor, but I've loved every second of it. I honestly don't think I have ever written so many papers in the past 2 months then I wrote all of high school. (lie, but it seemed plausible). Sooo the moment you've all been waiting for! Where has Liv been??

School, work, homework, sleep, repeat. Right? But that is the average life of a college student! Except I have something that keeps me from going absolutely insane. I belong to the best sorority at the University of Utah--Chi Omega! These girls keep me laughing and make me feel loved constantly.
How is this part of my daily routine? There are always activities going on every single day. Even if I don’t go to an activity, I am bound to run into a girl on campus and chat for a while. I’m still fairly new at this sorority life so I’ll keep y’all updated. But these girls are so supportive in everything I do. If I feel like going to get a burrito at 3 in the morning, I can call one of them and they will be there in a jiffy. I'm never feel alone. They are a constant, strong group of friends (sisters) that I have made at school. Everyday encourage me to be better and strive for greatness. 

They have become a part of me and I wouldn’t ask for anyone better to be sharing my college experience with. They bless me more and more every day. #blessed. These girls keep me laughing, talk to through challenges, help me with homework, and take shameless selfies with me!
Selfie game on point while waiting for Aaron Carter.
This is my Big Sis. Isn't she perfect?
    Really I don’t know what I would do without them. Their cute texts about how something reminded them of me, having someone to sit with in my American Civ. class, having someone to rely on at any time of day (or night). I’m thankful for them and for the part they play in my everyday life and I can’t wait for more adventures and memories I get to have with these amazing girls.
Our family! Obsessed with them

Until next time,

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